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Have you had that feeling?  You knew you had it right and it wouldn’t have to be ‘done over’? That’s what happened when I painted this one. It isn’t necessarily what everyone else wants it to be. I’m sure many who look at the photos will say, “Maybe you ought to try to ____________.”  But I’ll answer, “No. This is the painting I wanted to paint.”

My husband saw on old painting by a family member that was painted on a piece board instead of a canvas. He went out and found a piece of plywood and I began. I wasn’t too crazy about the actual painting. It took a lot of paint! (No, I didn’t prime it properly. I had some old, old, old, gesso. I slapped some of that on and then got started. Next time, we will plan ahead a little better.) I thought the wood grain would work well with this painting that I been planning for some time. And it did. Better than I expected.

This isn’t the blog post I planned when I sat down and started typing. It was supposed to be a post about “Pride In Workmanship”. I’ll write that post another day. Maybe.

What this post has become is “Sometimes You Go Where You Planned, But You Don’t Know Why You Made The Choices You Did To Get There.”

And that’s what has happened in my life. I love my life. Life is Good. I’m really at a good place in life right now. And most people would think I was absolutely crazy if I told them how I got here. But the decisions I have made have turned out to be good ones. I tend to be impulsive and make quick decisions. In the past I felt (perhaps because Society tried to teach me this) that those decisions were mistakes and could never end well. And in my youth, in that very limited time span available to see the results, that may have appeared to be true. But now, as I can look over the years and can see where I am and where I am going, I’m beginning to think that I had a wisdom not seen by others. Yes, I have made mistakes. But I’ve made some really decisions, too. And here I am.